How do I generate a profile code?
Kindly send the acronym NIN, then a space, followed by your 11-digit National Identification Number to 55019 or 66019 in the format below: NIN 00123456789 sent to either 55019 or 66019. Note: There should be a space between the word NIN and your 11-digit NIN.
How old should I be for me to be eligible?
Only candidates who will be 16 years old by 30th September, 2025, are eligible to apply. Candidates, who would be less than 16 years old by 30th September, 2025, can only apply for trial mock examination. However, exceptional students who are below 16 can apply and be considered provided they score 80% in the UTME, SSCE and Post-UTME and the exceptional candidates’ examination.
Can I pay cash for the application documents?
To safeguard candidates from unnecessary exploitation, the Board has maintained its cashless registration regime for the UTME/DE application and other services.
How much is the application documents?
For the 2025 UTME/DE application, there are four application options that candidates could select from:
1. UTME with Mock, N8, 700
2. UTME without Mock, N7,200
3. Direct Entry (DE), N5, 700 and
4. Trial-Testing Mock Examination for underage candidates, N3,500.
When would the sale of application documents commence?
Monday, 3rd February, 2025, to Saturday, 8th March, 2025.
When would the sale of Direct Entry application documents commence?
Saturday, 8th March, 2025 and end by Monday, 7th April, 2025
How do I know the right subject combinations to suit my choice of course/programme?
The IBASS Eligibility Checker provides candidates with the list of available programmes in each tertiary institution as well as UTME subject combination for each course. It is crucial for all candidates to verify the requirements prior to the application process. candidates’ examination.
What are the necessary documents to bring to register for DE?
At the point of registration, all DE candidates must provide the following information:
a) Registration/Matriculation Number of the previous school attended where the qualification was obtained;
b) Course(s);
c) Awarding Institution; and
d) Year of graduation.
Can I registered more than once?
Candidates are not permitted to register more than once. In the event of any error during the registration process, such candidates are to seek correction from the Board and not obtain a fresh application document.
Can I go to any CBT centre or cybercafé to register?
Registration can only be done at JAMB-approved Computer-Based Testing Centres across the country.
Can I use the same mobile number (SIM) as my sister/brother/parent to register and what happens if the phone number gets lost?
: No two candidates can use the same mobile number for registration. Every candidate is required to use a unique phone (mobile) number (SIM) for registration. Therefore, no sibling can use the number previously used by another sibling because this number (SIM) remains your unique identifier for all transactions with the Board for present and future services. As such, it must not be lost and in case it does, it must be retrieved immediately.
What is a “Keep My Number” feature?
This feature is a special service by Telcos that keeps the SIM active even if unused for the candidate by ensuring that the SIM is not reissued to another customer. KMN will keep the SIM for the candidate for an initial period of 3 years which is also renewable afterwards. Kindly contact your registered telecommunication provider for more information.
What do I do after getting my profile code?
Present the profile code at the point of vending e-PIN for the application document (from Banks, MMOs, MFBs, Switches, USSD Partners). Make the stipulated payment as per application document and an e-PIN would be sent as text message to you on your registered phone number with the Board. Present the Profile code and e-PIN at any JAMB accredited CBT Centre for registration.
My fingers can’t be read by the scanner what do I do?
Candidates with biometric abnormality can only register and sit the examination at the JAMB National Headquarters, Abuja on the last day of the national examination calendar. The Board will facilitate the travel expenses of the candidates concerned.
How do I retrieve a lost profile code/ e-PIN?
To retrieve a lost Profile Code, send the word [RESEND] from the same mobile number to 55019
or 66019 as a text message.
Also, Candidates can reset lost or forgotten Profile Password on their registered cell phone
number by sending the word “PASSWORD” space [the email address] from the same mobile
number as a text message to 55019 or 66019.
If e-PIN is not Received or Lost, send [UTMEPIN] from the unique number to 55019 or 66019 for
UTME respectively.
The e-PIN would then be retrieved and delivered to the candidate's unique phone number.
I generated a profile code last year but wasn’t successful in gaining admission will the profile code still be active for use?
Kindly refresh the profile code by sending RESEND to either 55019 or 66019 to reactivate the code for new registration.
Can foreign candidates purchase application documents?
The Board conducts registration and UTME in the following cities: Abidjan, Accra, Banjul, Beau,
Cotonou, Jeddah, Johannesburg, and London. The Nigerian Mission (Embassies) in each of the
centres can be contacted for guidance on the registration and examination.
Registration fee for candidates from the eight foreign countries is fifty United States Dollars
($50) or its equivalent in the local currencies of each of the 8 (eight) countries local currencies
Candidates from the eight foreign countries are to download the application documents from
the Board's website (, complete and submit it with the fee (or pay
online) at the designated centres in the country as indicated on the website.
I want to distribute free application documents to prospective applicants is this possible?
Any philanthropist, who wishes to distribute free application documents to prospective applicants, should contact the Board on +2348027641663 OR e-mail: for special offer.
After getting my e-PIN what do I do?
After successful payment and obtaining the e-PIN, proceed to any of the JAMB-accredited CBT
centre to complete your registration.
A candidate must PERSONALLY present his/her Profile code and e-PIN at any JAMB-accredited
CBT Centre for registration. A candidate’s photograph and biometrics (all the ten fingerprints)
would be captured at the CBT centre.
Registration Slip would be printed after successful registration USING BIOMETRIC
AUTHENTICATION to confirm valid fingerprint for both UTME and DE applicants. Note that
authentication with your fingerprint removes blames of error from CBT centres. You are to
crosscheck that your details are correct before confirming with your fingerprint. Ensure that
your particulars on NIN tally with information on your other supporting documents.
What should a candidate provide at the point of registration?
i. provide choice of institutions and programmes (course of study).
ii. provide valid and functional personal e-mail address that the candidate can always access.
iii. provide qualification with grades and dates, if not awaiting result
iv. upload relevant certificates, if no result is being awaited.
v. Provide Upload pin to facilitate automatic upload of O/L and/or A/L grades.
vi. provide UTME subjects and choice of examination town(s) for the optional Mock examination and
Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) (actual examination).
I have awaiting result can I still register?
Candidates who are awaiting results should supply (upload) the results online on the JAMB portal as soon as they are available. No recommendations from any Institution will be considered by JAMB if any candidate does not upload his/her result on the Board’s portal.
Are there provisions for People with Disabilities?
Yes, you can. To ensure inclusivity, provisions have been made for candidates with disabilities, who indicate their disability at the point of registration. They would be identified and assigned to the JAMB Equal Opportunity Group (JEOG) centres for special attention.
Can I give anyone my profile code or log in details?
Candidates are advised to keep as private and confidential their security details such as registration numbers, password/numbers of ATM cards, email addresses and e-PINs. No centre is allowed to request or accept a candidate's password.